weight loss with PCOS

Incredible exercise for weight loss with PCOS

PCOS which stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome is a very common hormone problem for women of childbearing age.  It’s a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer periphery.  Women with PCOS may have missed or irregular menstrual periods, weight gain, obesity, high levels of androgen, acne, and excess hair growth.   It can last for years far beyond the child-bearing years or it can be a lifelong problem.

Studies reveal how the metabolism of women suffering from PCOS is affected.  Women with PCOS have hormonal imbalance and metabolism problems that may lead to obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, infertility, endometrial cancer and more.  You may have heard it is quite common that women with PCOS struggle with obesity and find it very hard to lose weight.  The basal metabolic (BMR) rate is lesser in women with PCOS compared to the BMR in women without PCOS which suggests that women with PCOS burn significantly fewer calories compared to women without PCOS.   Many women with PCOS have insulin resistance and require a higher than usual amounts of insulin to function normally.  High blood insulin levels also lead to weight gain, which in turn increases insulin resistance, creating a vicious cycle. 

It is often seen that restrictive diets do not work for PCOS and can even lead to weight gain.   Many women with PCOS lose weight with only incredibly low calorie restriction.  When you lose weight, you slow down your metabolism even more.  As soon as you begin to eat more, you will most likely start to put on weight again.  A sluggish metabolism is a basic premise why diets do not work for anyone really.  It is seen that not eating enough calories or not eating enough carbohydrates can raise adrenal hormone levels.  High DHEA levels can make PCOS symptoms worse and this strategy may backfire and make you gain weight again.  Therefore, calorie counting does not work for PCOS.

Here’s how PCOS affects insulin resistance.  Your body has to produce much more insulin than normal to keep blood sugar levels stable.  Excess insulin floating around also increases testosterone produce and can lead to reduced fertility, irregular or absent periods, excess hair on your body and face (hirsutism), less hair on your face (alopecia), and changes in your skin (such as acne or darkened skin patches). 

Strength training reduces insulin resistance, lowers cholesterol and raises your metabolic rate so that you burn more calories throughout the day.  The strength training exercises are an effective strategy to reduce body mass index (BMI).  These exercises increase metabolic rate and improves body composition (more muscle and less fat tissue).  It is a proven method of managing insulin resistance, belly fat and obesity.   Suspension trainers can be easy to work with anywhere and they give you great results.   A minimum of 3 workouts per week, ideally 5 is the best way to sustainably improve metabolic health.  One good advice for exercising for PCOS is to start gently giving your body the chance to adapt, and you will be able to notice any flare-ups and make any changes you need before it’s too late. 

Though exercises like walking, jogging and cycling can help to some extent to lose weight, it is seen that these methods are often not as effective or have a slow outcome in the management of PCOS.  Off all types of exercise, strength training causes more positive changes to a PCOS body than any other type of workout.  Exercising with strength training technique is found to be optimum and a quick and effective way to lose weight and to regulate the metabolism, thereby in the management of PCOS.

TRX suspension trainer is a great strength training equipment and training with TRX is excellent for PCOS.  TRX trainer can stimulate your metabolism and cause it to function better. 

  1. TRX trainer is good for reducing insulin resistance. A study done after 8 weeks of TRX intervention demonstrated improved glucose levels which was reflected by decreased fasting glucose and insulin concentrations and insulin resistance in overweight women.   TRX resistance exercise increased muscle strength and mass and increased insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetics as well as healthy adults.
  2. TRX is good for increasing basic metabolic rate. The amount of muscle mass in your body is directly proportional to your BMR.  Adapting to TRX strength training can increase muscle mass and your BMR. 
  3. TRX helps in improving body composition. Resistance training in PCOS women has shown to improve body composition by increasing muscle mass and decreasing fat mass.  They help you build muscle which burns more calories than fat.